What I’m Doing Now

I’m living in Bangalore, India and working (from home) at Google.

Sunset over the ocean. Taken in Beruwala, 2017.
Sunset over the ocean. Taken in Beruwala, 2017.


This year has been unusually good for me in terms of reading books. I gorged on sci-fi by Arthur C Clarke, thoroughly enjoyed the first three books of the Earthsea cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin, read a bunch of memoirs and anthropology/history books, even got one graphic novel in. I’m still reading whenever I can find time and I’m hoping to finish twenty books this year.


I’ve been slowly working through Crafting Interpreters and finished section one just few days ago. It has been an absolute delight. I’ve always been interested in Programming Language Theory and implementing one from scratch is almost a magical feeling! I hope to finish the rest of the book by the end of this year.

Physical Activities

CoViD-19 has shut us in our houses since March so my running and cycling has gone for a complete toss. I’ve been working out at home, mostly doing bodyweight exercises and stretching. Eating home-cooked food has helped me lose quite a lot of weight so that’s a plus.


It took a while but I’m finally getting over my burnout from working in Flipkart and from my anxiety from CoViD. I’ve started enjoying music again. These days I’ve been listening to New-age Garage Rock, old-school Rock n’ Roll and old Hindi songs. Who knows, I may even start playing music again!


I’ve published three posts this year and hoping to write a few more at least. I’m trying to figure out how (and what) to write shorter posts because writing these posts with 30+ minutes of reading time takes more than month.

This is a “now page” which itemizes the work and other priorities that I’m concentrating on right now.
This page was last updated on Oct 19, 2020.