What I’m Doing Now

I’m living in Bangalore, India and working (from home) at Google.

A Biergarten full of people. Taken in Berlin, 2016.
A Biergarten full of people. Taken in Berlin, 2016.


I’m reading more books this year than the last one. I’ve already finished seven books this year with few more in line. I’m alternating reading fiction and non-fiction books. Unfortunately, I’ve also given up halfway on many books this year but I hope that I’ll pick them up later some day.


Staying at home due to the pandemic, I’m slowly learning to cook some basic things.


I started on learning the Rust programming language but I lost focus after first few chapters of the Rust book and gave up on it. Instead, I picked up the Crafting Interpreters book and I’m having a lot of fun going through it.

Physical Activities

Unfortunately because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’m staying indoors most of the time. So no running or cycling outdoors for me for next couple of months ☹. I’m getting a treadmill to keep running indoors. I’m also doing yoga and cardio workouts semi-regularly.


I’ve published two posts this year and hoping to write a few more at least. I’m trying to figure out how (and what) to write shorter posts because writing these posts with 30+ minutes of reading time takes more than month.

Working on This Website

This website is one of the biggest personal projects I have at the time and I spend quite some time working on it, adding/updating features. Recently, I ported it from Hakyll to Shake and I’m quite pleased with the results.

This is a “now page” which itemizes the work and other priorities that I’m concentrating on right now.
This page was last updated on Jun 16, 2020.